Sunday, April 21, 2013


I am training and my first time being in charge and what not and really no investigators and help from anyone, and teaching my comp all about being a missionary and trying to be obedient even when the other two in the house are not at all. I feel like a weight just keeps getting heavier and I am like trying to squat like 400 pounds and it is just hard to do. I have been struggling to do push through it and not just get lazy and say "oh well" and take the easy disobedient way out. I've been asking the lord to give us a few investigators, not for me cause I can handle tracting all day but for Elder Dariagan. I feel terrible that as a new missionary he has no investigators and no one has come to church and all we do is tract really.  I learned a lot at conference, here are my favorite. President Monson: "Missions are a family affair" How true that is. Although I am doing the work I feel that we are all involved in my mission. President Monson again: "Life would be simpler if we would be obedient." This was my favorite of all conference. Basically he took every talk and summed it up into being obedient. I figured that obedience really does make us free because we don't have to worry about terrible consequences. Although the world is teaching rules are made to be broken. Obedience to the gospel really gives us peace of conscience, always. Elder Holland's whole talk was really good, believing is something I am really trying to work on believe that new investigators will come. Elder Packers was really good.. Elder Ballards was good and so was Christoffersen's. I enjoyed conference and look forward to rereading their talks in may.
So yesterday at a ladies house I taught myself a cool lesson. The story was namaan and listening to the prophet. She was struggling to find a connection to her life so I used the Israelites not looking at the bronze snake and dying. The lesson went on a weird tangent and ended up on doing the easy things in order for miracles to happen. I came to the conclusion that if we 1. do our part (aka follow the commandments) 2. show our faith like (do things that may seem hard or obscure like dipping in a river seven times or looking at a fake snake) 3. God will make the miracle happen because he loves us. I know for a fact that that was the Holy Ghost teaching me. That lesson wasn't meant for who I was teaching. It was meant for me. In doing this work I need to do and helping others come unto christ. I want to be more obedient. I want to apply my formula to my life. I have decided to pray for the desire and strength to apply this to my life instead of it just happening. See how it goes.

Two more things: this week I got to slaughter a duck haha  and last night we were walking home and we saw a guy on a little motorbike run over and kill a dog and he slid out. he slid right next to us in the middle of the road and we had to grab him and his bike really quick or he would have been hit and killed by a bus. it was intense but the guy is ok. only a huge gash on his foot. Well thats about all for this week. Going to Banaue (I think) next week!

Mahal Ko Kayo!

Elder Robertson
elder Robertson killing a chicken and yes it is still alive he said it took half an hour to die
before elder Robertson killed the chicken

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